Thursday, June 19, 2014

The theme is Philadelphia; for better, for worst


  1. Hey Elliot, I really love your photos, very fun, and an awesome subject too. I like how from the title of the set alone you can either see the images as 'better' or 'worse' from the graffitti. I also enjoy the varied angles of the shots; some are straight on, while others are peering through a space, or at an angle looking at the subject. The colors are awesome, and really frame the images quite well. I like how you framed your self portrait, I just wish you would have cropped the top of the image so you were completely framed by the brick structure without that bit of sky at the top. Other that that, great image set!

  2. Hey elliot. i really enjoy all your photos they all works so well together and are a lot of fun to look though. They definitely work for the assignment and not only do they work well together they are all interesting alone. I don't think i really have a favorite because i love them all. They are all so interesting! good job!

  3. Whats good Elliot? I am a former graffitti artist and a big fan of that genre of artistic expression. Urban art has always been a way for neighborhood youths to express themselves. The colors, the diferrent designs of the letters make each peice unique. I also like the photo of the old factory from behind the bars. You get a great shot of the factory and how it has been left to decay. Especially the veiw from behind the bars gives it a look of despair, like whoever is looking can only watch. I can gather from your photos that you are telling the story of urban art. From the products used, to the buildings that there is artwork on, to the buildings that will have future artwork on them.

  4. Hey Elliot! I really love the theme you chose for this assignment and finding the beauty in the grit of the city. There is a nice contrast between the harsh concrete walls and the soft landscape in the background. Your photos of the graffiti art are very vibrant and colorful and fun for the viewer to look at. I also really like how you used the graffiti to frame your self-portrait. Such a cool concept! Great work!

  5. Hey Elliot,

    Some great colors and contrasts going on here. You have proven a strong love of graffiti art and gave us hints that you also participate in it. Alot comes through in this pics such as your willing to explore and to dare. The first picture is eerie because of the connotations of old abandoned warehouses. It also adds a sense of edge because it makes the viewer wonder, are you actually in there? also, great dynamic angles and textures with the broken glass and worn paint. in your second picture, I think the color of the houses are the sleeper stars of this photo. Although the crazy pink certainly screams for attention, I really thought the subtle shifts in colors with those houses in a line was much more interesting and if anything a great contrast to the loud pink, sort of a sophisticated palette vs non sophisticated. The shot of you climbing up has a lot of potentially energy and really dynamic. Although I think your last photo is your true self portrait. Great work.
