Thursday, June 19, 2014

Summer Reads, Assignment #4- Brandi Asselin


  1. Hey Brandi! Interesting reading material, I've heard of Raggedy Anne, but didn't know she had an even more terrifying brother (dolls freak me out). Anyway I think you got some real good snaps here, my favorites are the feet on the books which have a good use of depth of field and the books on the head which uses the whole frame nicely. The story I retrieve from the montage of pictures doesn't say much more than a playful day at the park with some reading involved. I'm guessing this is something you enjoy doing on a leisurely day and what an interesting genre to read. However, I think you could have captured more with the same idea. I think you could have described your day of leisure better with some photos describing the park itself, what people were there, etc. Overall, I think you completed the assignment nicely. Very cute self portrait You have a great smile.

  2. I want to be wherever you're taking these photos... Oh, how I long for some grass to sit in! Awesome photo set, I really love these images a lot! I think you've incorporated all of the different week assignments into one assignment really well. Nice compositions, and varying of the shots, and vantage points.

  3. Hi Brandi! I love the theme that you chose! I think this works so well as a series because each photo shows the next step or actions of the model. I think you must definitely completed this assignment to the fullest, you really integrated the skills we've learned in this course. You were able to showcase shallow DOF really well in your 1st, 3rd and fifth picture. I also really enjoy the perspective you chose to shoot from for the second and fourth pictures. I like the thought you put into each photo and how to juxtaposition your model each. The colors go really well together too! Awesome job!

  4. Hi Brandi,

    Yet again awesome, awesome shoot. You really turned a conventional everyday thing such as reading and books into something truly magical. As a designer, I think these are extrmemly strong imagery and could be a great advertisement for how books and really take u to a fantastical place. All of your compositions are extremely strong. The battered but very love worn books have such a warming charm to them, enhancing this green warm summer day. I loved that you chose to show this whimsical children's books and really showed the child within you. Conceptually I loved the image of you standing on the books. I think its such a great picture and again the designer in me wants to see some fun handwriiten type next to it saying Reading raises you up, or Reading gives you a step up, something along those lines really really great shot. Your self portrait captured the "raggedy ann" within you and the overall whimsical yet magical quality of this photos. Your colored books really are the front and center of your photos with the green backdrops adding to their fantastical element. Awesome job.

  5. Hi Brandi! Awesome subject matter for this assignment. I love how you used the books in such interesting creative ways. My absolute favorite photo is the one where your standing on the stack of books. The blurred background is perfect and I like that you chose to over center yourself in the image. I agreed with Alisa, I want to be wherever your taking these photos! Great job!

  6. Hey Brandi, these are great! I especially love the first photograph for the vivid use of color and composition of the frame, with the book only slightly showing at the bottom, your eyes poking through and the sharpness of the books balanced on your head versus the blurred background. I think it makes for a striking photograph. The third one is also very beautiful, I love the way you captured the sun hitting the leaves in the background, and the focal point is the feet balancing on books even though it isn’t at the center of the picture. This give the photo a unique composition. I think you also did a great job with your DOF, you can see the sharpness of the books and the feet versus the far off building. I really enjoyed your images this week!
