Thursday, May 29, 2014

Stop Motion "Jump!"


  1. Your photos are so fun and definitely capture a moment and helps see the critic moment right before someone starts to fall back to the ground after jumping. I believe you fulfilled the assignment's goals and the theme of this captured moment is very clear! All of your images center around jumping and I think that's a great topic because, personally, I find the shapes people make when they are up in the air so interesting!
    My favorite is your first image, the composition speaks the strongest to me. I like the red of the sign along with the jumper's back outfit in contrast to the white wall. In addition, the yellow chain adds a nice third element. The red of the tattoos is also brought out by the red of the sign. My eye moves down from left to right from the sign to the yellow chain and, I find it, to be a nice read. I want to know why this man is jumping! The second and third image, although more fun as seen through the last child's face, do less for me in regards to composition, it might be because they are centered and there is nothing too captivating in the background, but they do well to add to your completing the assignment. In addition, as a set, I enjoy the fact that all of the people are facing different ways, it's like jumping and spinning, and I can see from your set you spent a lot of time deciding on the right image.
    The images work together to create a strong visual statement, to make the set even more collected, it might have been nice either to have all three images be of the same child or all the images be of different people in different places because, personally, I find the first image to jut out at me also in that is it so different from the other two. The other two are also less in focus, which if they had been more in focus might have added more to the images and draw the viewer, only because once again the background does not do a whole lot. But overall great job, I love how together and clear your theme is and I definitely believe that you completed this assignment and executed it well!

  2. Cool pictures! I would guess they were taken in a dark lit area maybe? The flash helps a lot getting light onto the people present. There is a great contrast with the white wall in the first picture. You can defiantly tell these pictures were taken around this time because of the sneakers worn ect. which is cool as well. All of the subjects have great energy. It might have been cool to have these picture taken from different distances just something to think about. Great work Keep it up!

  3. This set of photos perfectly captures the sense of motion. It really creates a sense of anticipation for gravity to kick in and to see the persons land back down on the ground. And because of this you successfully fulfilled this weeks assignment for motion. The first picture really draws a feeling of suspense from me. Just seeing the man in mid-fall makes me look in awe and anxiety. Is his landing going to be a success? Does he botch it a bit and trip? Or does he fail completely and hurt himself (I really hope he didn't btw)? It's a photo that really draws on the imagination. The second and third picture are very playful, probably because the subjects are children and in the third one the boy is acting silly. To me, they don't just capture the boys in a sense of motion, but also in a sense of fun.
    The only thing I want to critique is that the last two aren't as focused, as Clarke pointed out, and that they aren't different backgrounds. It would have been a little more interesting if each person was jumping with different backgrounds behind them, giving a change of subject and scene; but the pictures still give the same good quality regardless. Like Clarke, I also like how each subject is jumping in different directions. It does give the sense that the subjects are consecutively spinning.
    This was a great choice in motion done in a creative way. It not only captured the sense of motion, but as I mentioned, also that of anticipation and fun. I'm glad I got to see this set of photos from you, I'm looking forward to the rest to come this semester.

  4. I feel that you did a great job capturing people in motion. The first one for sure is the strongest of the set. The picture is crisp and your subject is perfectly in the air. I think this one is the strongest mainly because the light allows all the details to show through, where as the bottom two pictures seem more flat. Although the camera has flash, a light in the background could be helpful in separating the subject from the background. This could also help when motion is involved as well. The second photo is kind of hard to tell what exactly your subject was doing, I assumed dancing or something, and would have been more interesting to see his face like in the third photo. The expression of the child in your third picture is priceless. It captures him perfectly in motion and his face shows how much fun he was having helping you out. Great job in timing your subjects movements to capture the perfect picture!
