Wednesday, May 21, 2014

+   a l i s a    w i s m e r   +

Hi there! My name is Alisa Wismer and I am a senior (going on to super-senior status) at Tyler as a Graphic and Interactive Design major. I love to incorporate illustration in as many design projects as I can, and I've recently discovered the joys of using cut paper. My specialty? Anthropomorphic foods. When I'm not spending my entire day plugging away at my MacBook, or sitting through critiques, sipping back 2-3 coffees a day (on average), I love to enjoy the great outdoors either on a lovely stroll through the city, or on the back of my bike.

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  1. Hey there Alisa, nice to meet you! I definitely have a coffee addiction so I am glad to see that I am not alone and that's awesome about your major!

    In terms of your piece, I really like how your flyaways are in focus yet your eyes are out of focus. Choosing to focus on that might show that your are very busy and lead a hectic life in front of your computer for graphic interactive design. I think your wide opened eye adds to that, and to me has a sort of, "I've been up all night on coffee do not test me, I know my hair is a mess but I really do not care" sort of look which I completely understand. I guess choosing not to focus the frame so much on your face requires the viewer to infer as to why. I can see, through your snapshot, you took many photos with your full face and parts of your body in the frame, so I’m curious to know why you choose this photo.
    I like this piece, yet I think just because you have less than half of your photo in focus, having more flyaways might have added to it. Or maybe compositionally playing around with how much background you choose to put in your piece, just to see what happens because the one side with your face is very strong and for me there is too much negative space. The background color also brings out yellows in your hair and skin (Not saying you have sallow skin though!), so that could also imply long sleep deprived nights working on a screen. I wish though that you have either incorporated more of your features of zoomed in even more, even though I know that’s hard with some cameras!
    Overall, I believe, you did an excellent job and you definitely created a strong composition and statement!

  2. Hello Alisa, nice to meet you. Coffee is my life blood as well, especially Dunkin Donuts even though they're terrible for you. Your photo is fun! It looks like you may have had a couple cups of coffee right before and snapped the picture when all of the caffeine hit you. Anyway technically this picture I believe is strong and it fits the assignment well. I agree with the message that Clarke decoded about your out of focus technique and how it could tell the viewer that you are well accustomed to doing all night-ers. I think that although you are the focus and out of focus is a very interesting technique, but I would have liked to see something more in the negative space to the left. That space could have used maybe something your interested into to give us a clue to something you like to do.
    Overall,I think this did complete the assignment and had pretty interesting composition. I liked the way you used the out of focus technique and the expression your eye gives to the viewer. From your snapshot I am curious as to why you chose this photo compared to some of your others. This photo gives the viewer a different persona, than some of the others. Your choice to be in glasses verses not also makes me wonder what your trying to convey about yourself, and that you chose this one over what looks like possibly your room space with you in it.

  3. Hey! so i think your image is really cool, when i read that you drink a few coffees a day your image just made me laugh, it reminds me of myself when i had to much coffee. just all jittery and all over the place and goofy. your image makes me feel like you are really fun yet not open to people seeing all of you. i think its really interesting how you chose not to focus on you face and leave that blurry it makes for an interesting image

  4. Wide eyed, frizzled hair, you must be a designer! Best of luck to you senior year. It is exceptionally challenging. I really enjoyed your exploration with your images focusing on various aspects of your face and not just the standard portrait. There is a clear effort to make an interesting composition with an interesting subject. Sharing your major, your picture reminded me of the all nighters we pull week after week and the exhaustion, competitiveness, and psychological warfare we are forced to experienced. That turmoil is a feeling I am more than familiar with. Formally I enjoyed the focus on your frizzled hair while still seeing your overly wide eye. It is amazing how much time one devotes to design and things like making sure your hair is nice, or your outfit is perfect fall by the wayside. despite your wide eyes there is a clear element of shyness here, and an unwillingness to open up. interesting solution I look forward to seeing more.

  5. Hi Alisa,
    Even though a quarter of your face is showing, a lot of emotion can be seen in this self portrait. Focus may be placed on your hair, but the real draw is in how wide your eye is. It is blurred, but the viewer can still see the intensity behind them. Whether that intensity is due to stress, anxiety, or too much coffee, it pulls the viewer right in despite it not being the focus.
    The focus on the hair and not the eye feels like maybe your persona was trying to distract the viewer from how razzled she really felt. As if the persona is saying, pay attention to this and not how I feel. It kind of gives the viewer a sense of the persona trying to keep everyone believing that she has everything under control and that they didn't need to know anything else. The negative space also really helps to pull the viewer into the full detail of your features. The lack of anything distracting in the background helps to encourage the viewer to look more at your expression.
    I think you did an excellent job in fulfilling this assignment. Your portrait is beautifully done with only a minimal amount of you actually in it. Now that is talent! I look forward to seeing more of your works this semester.

    I love it!
    I see some kind of crazy designer is. I knew and know a few in your field, seems stressful. Your bunch has a sort of joyful misery/ quirkiness to it.
    The close up is great. Since the focus is on your hair, I was caught a little offgaurd. Possesions such as glass are hard to hide, and have a certain "ominous materiality" to them
    Again I think the photo is great. It is light hearted, and could be depressing from work that I know leaves you little sleep.
