Friday, May 30, 2014


  1. Wow! The first photo made me stop and gave me a bit of goosebumps. I think the close-up of the spider makes for a very terrifying but very exciting photograph. This photo captured not only a moment in time, but I think its showed the texture and hair on the spider that the human eye would have ordinarily missed. Because of that, the subject matter is much more stimulating. At first glance the third photo did not really stand out to me, but upon close inspection, the slow movement of the ball and the shadow created create a really cool composition. I like that we can see your shadow as well, but the viewer cannot really know more than that, because the only subjects in the photos are the painting and the ball. The way you capture the movement of the ball moving, is really interesting, against the background of the painting.

  2. These images are all so unique and I love how to played around with all types of lights and shadows, vantage points, frames, etc. Technically speaking you definitely satisfied all of the assignment's goals through capturing motion. Such as the spider's leg moving, the bike spinning (or the weird light reflection), and the balloon falling. Initially, the last one fell short for me, but after looking more closely and seeing the motion of the balloon my perspective of it changed and I really like it and your shadow in the back gives it an eery feeling.
    Overall, great composition. I think the first image is very strong and I like how certain legs and body parts are in focus whereas others are not, it gives it an intersting read. I also like how there is no background so that the viewer can focus all his or her attention on the spider. I also like how the legs reach out beyond the frame, only I wish the window had been more clean because that borders the line of adding to and distracting from the subject. In your second image, the lights play well against one another, one so controlled and one so out of control. However, I think through all of the background detail your image might loose some meaning, just because my eyes at least struggle to find the central focus point. I like the last image, as stated above, I really like the falling balloon and how it plays with your shadow in the background. Also, the orange of the balloon works well with the colors in the painting.
    These all create a strong visual statement about capturing motion in different places. I like the diversity in the photos. It seems like you searched for motion in lots of different places! Overall great job!

  3. The first photo is beautifully captured, everything from the angle of the camera to the amount of light that allows the detail to shine through. The second two pictures were interesting because of what you were doing with them, but I think the lack of lighting played a role in the confusion of what the subject being captured is at first. The shadow in the third picture adds a nice detail to the overall piece but it takes a while to separate the moving ball from the painting. I do like, though, the orange streak from the ball just above the painting. It shows the balls falling at the exact right time. If it was slightly lower then it would have faded into the painting and the bur itself would have been lost. I also appreciate that you took the time to experiment with different atmospheres and how motion reacts in those environments. Great job, can't wait to see what else you have to share with us!

  4. I love the close up of the tarantula, it really gives great detail into the individual hairs, it's body structure, and the fangs I can just barely make out. It is a perfect example of capturing something that normally would not be seen by giving the viewer a chance to get a good close up of something that someone usually wouldn't get (or want) to get close to. The two other pictures are good use of motion as well, the balls being captured in mid-air as they bounce up/ fall back down. I like how the color trialing behind each ball gives a hint as to whether or not they are rising or falling ( I believe the white ball is going up, and the orange down).
    The only thing I want to critique is that bright spot of light in the second photo, it pulls attention towards it and away from the ball, the focus of photo. Other than that, the set of photos is fine. I particularly like the shadow in the third photo. As a few others have mentioned, it really adds a sense of aesthetic to the photo. In a way, it places you into the photo in a creative and secretive way.
    You did a good job in choosing your photos, and I believe you completed this assignment successfully. I'm glad that I got to see your work and look forward to what you will have to show throughout the rest of the semester.
