Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jessie Koontz, Assignment #2: Motion


  1. It appears you choose to focus on watching motion through the movement that each of your photographs captured. In that, all of your photographs depict types of lines, like the lines and circles created through the blender, the juts of water coming out of the sprinkler and the squiggly lines created by the camera taking pictures at night. It's very cool and I think all relates through those lines. Technically speaking, you definitely fulfilled all of the goals in this assignment.
    In regards to composition, all of your photographs vary in how you set them up, and personally, I enjoy the first one the most (I also just love baked food). There is something about how the two mixers (sorry blanking on the word) jut out from the top angle and are spinning in uniform that makes that image very compelling as well as the juxtaposition of such a metal object with the mix itself. In your second image, choosing to put only the hand in focus directs the eye there, which is nice but it would have also worked to play around with focusing on the water a tad more just because that is also an important component in the assignment. I love the contrast of the reds and greens, good use of complimentary colors! Your last image is very cool to look at as well. The blank black sky worked well with the chaotic bottom half of the image. All of the blurry lines work well together and I like how the yellowish line leads up towards the green light. I can see from your screen shot you took a lot of time choosing the perfect image.
    Overall, I believe your intent to be very clear. The images, although at first very different work well to show that in anything you can find lines or shapes that relate to other objects that one would not expect. Great job!

  2. Hi Jessie,

    Some really fun explorations here and striking compositions. I really enjoyed the movement and composition of the "cake batter." You cropped/composed the circular rotations of the batter in a very dynamic and inviting way. I would have liked to have seen the cake prongs in sharper focus, but overall very good! I love the subtlety in the colors as well I'm a strong fan of monochromatic compositions. Your other two photos are not as strong, but still great explorations of movement and motion. For the water spout, I appreciate the careful cropping – but i think it may have been much stronger with your beautiful green backdrop behind the red spout to create more contrast. Right now the red spout is in front of the red bush, and I am not sure if that strengthens the focus. For your third photo, I appreciate your exploration with long exposure and light graffiti, but compositionally I think it could have been stronger. There appears to be a lot of space in the upper third that could be trimmed down. I love the lights on the left, but I am distracted by the car on the right. With a photograph like this I think the more abstract the better. I dont think the tail lights of the car on the right are abstracted enough. But overall, excellent explorations! I look forward to seeing more!


  3. I have to agree with the first two comments as well. That batter makes me hungry and is a really awesome shot. I like the way your focus get's sharper the farther out from the cake prongs i think it makes a very interesting composition in the frame. I think that if the prongs were completely focused it wouldn't have the same effect for the viewer, it would make me thing that the prongs might not have been moving at all. The hose picture I think got away from you a little bit. I think that the water should have been more of the focus since that is the movement you are trying to capture. The content and directions also is a little confusing, it seems like you just wanted a hose to be shot, but I would have liked to see a stronger direction for this photo either a close up on the water itself, or maybe just one specific plant being watered. The third picture I like a lot, it reminds me of a child's drawing and has a lot of cool effects from the lights. I agree that the composition could have been stronger, but I can tell this was truly exploratory for you and experimental. I know this because I tried the same thing and got similar results. I think that if you maybe had a specific object you wanted to have in focus with the blurred world around it it would have had a stronger composition. Overall, a great job and you completed this assignment well.

  4. I really enjoy the variation of images, my favorite is the first one of the cake mix, its something so simple that you never really pay attention to and kinda just rush though but you really captured the moment great and its cool because you can see how much faster the whisk is moving verses the batter. I also enjoy the last image a lot because its it makes you really look at the image, i agree that maybe it would be better without the car but i know its pretty hard to control traffic. Im not the biggest fan of the hose image and feel like you could had gotten something a little cooler because you other two are so interesting.Overall all of you images show motion in different ways an i enjoyed them.

  5. I like how you show different ways to look at the theme of motion, through some of the more popular ways to show motion like in the night lights image, down to something more descriptive of how the subject itself is moving. I love how in the one of the batter, there is implied motion by the blurred whisks, but then the ripples and folds in the batter also show movement and chance in consistency in the food itself, which is awesome to show two different types of movement in one image. I also think it's interesting how you chose to include the thing that is making the motion in the image, like the hand making the water squirt out, the mixers making the batter move, and the car moving and causing the lights to waver. Awesome photos!

  6. I too agree with all of the comments, I really enjoy each subject matter! I like that you were able to give some diversity to your images. I think the first image is my favorite because I really enjoy baking and anytime I see a mixer and some batter I'm happy. I think it's a great shot and is focused really well, I like the sharpness of the mixers against the smooth texture of the batter. I think it makes for a neat contrast. I really like the perspective of the second photo. It makes me feel like we're in the person who is watering the plants shoes. I think the crop is just right as well because we get to really see the movement of the water from the hose to the plants. The last photo I like as well, however, and this is just personal taste, I would have loved to see perhaps the car more in focus moving and the blur/light lines in the background remaining the same. I think if the car was more in focus it would emphasize movement and motion that much more. In total though, I think these photos are excellent and very well balanced. They were taken in such a great perspective and the variety of images make for a great, interesting series. I love them!

  7. I really enjoyed the variety of subject matter in all your photos. The first one caught my attention because I don’t think I’ve really seen too many photographs concentrate on baking and the lines and texture created by the whisk is really cool because of the close-up and composition of the shot. The pink color of the photo also adds the overall essence of the shot and creates a kind of nostalgia for me, when I think of baking when I was younger.I really enjoy how you captured the motion of the whisk but its still a very sharp image, and the pieces on the corners of the bowl are see-through, creating this endless feeling to the shot. I actually really enjoy the second photo, because of the composition of the background and the sharpness of the water falling downward with the hose. The red and teal color of the hose make it stand out from the subtle color of the pink and purple flowers and its almost looks like the background is fake in a way. The slow exposure of the third shot is also really great in capturing motion, the city streets, the traffic lights, the car all work together to give off this feeling of business and I love the texture and pattern the light starts to take in the left side of the photograph.

  8. I need to know what is mixing in the first pic, because whatever it is, it looks good! That picture stands out to me, and my stomach. I didn't think to take such a shot. I also like the pics of the blurry lights that are in your last shot. It shows how busy the city can be, like everything is moving at the speed of light. I would have like to see more definition in the middle pic of the water drops coming from the hose, but all in all, you have put together three amazing photos! I can see that you took your time finding that perfect shot. Your photos are in focus and have great angles. But the first pic is beautiful. How you captured the swirling motion of the mixture. Even the color stands out. How the black dots of whatever your mixing stand out, and give contrast. Greta job!
