Sunday, June 1, 2014

Christine Wallet, DOF assignment


  1. Hey there Wallet, I like the sunshine in your pictures it looks like you come from a very nice area, with a lot of rural country side. I think your technique was pretty solid in all of your photo's, but I think they could have been framed better. Your top one was the best in my opinion because it did a nice job capturing how vast the plowed field is. The trees in the background are a great scale that indicate how large the field is as well, but I think that if you took the photo closer to the ground it would have explained the scale better. The sky at the op of the photo is beautiful, but from my interpretation of this photo I feel that you were trying to focus on the land and not the sky. I think that giving the sky equal space in the frame steals away the attention from the field and also it's texture of the earth. Your second photo is also a Large DOF as well, but is a little cluttered and I believe would have been able to express more if it was maybe a shallow depth of field. The composition of the objects in the frame is awkward because of the angle that was shot. The telephone pole intrudes on everything in this photo from the sky to the ground and I don't know if that was intentional, but for such a large space in the background it limits your photograph. I think you wanted to include the signs most of all in this picture, and because they are in the middle of the photograph with everything else in focus it doesn't command attention to them as much as if you had them closer to the foreground and maybe a vast open field out of focus in the background. Your third photo I believe to also be one of your strongest and has a great use of shallow DOF, I would only suggest getting closer to the flower more to show a better focus of it's detailed structure and putting it more in the center of the frame without so much room above the flower. The fourth picture I believe could have been stronger composition wise. Putting yourself in the center of the frame touching from top to bottom, make it feel like your blocking out the background when it seems like you wanted to include it. Good use of DOF and I think you completed the assignment requirements nicely.

  2. Hey Christine! I want to start off by saying I love your images! I had such a hard time trying to capture DOF with aesthetically pleasing images and I think you nailed it. I really like the fact you captured these images on a beautiful day. I also have to agree and say that your first photo is the best image. You definitely completed the task of showing a landscape, as well foreground, middleground and background. I like the fact that you included a lot of the sky, I think it creates a great balance of between the top and bottom of the frame. I do enjoy your second photo as well. However, I don't think it captures the idea of depth as great as the first. But I do enjoy the scenery known the less and the lines that are created between the poles and cable lines. I think that helps direct the viewer's eye throughout the picture. I think your shallow DOF is spot on, the viewer can clearly see that the flower is the image that is intended to be focused on. I like how extremely in focus it is and how the background is almost a blur but is still visible. I see nothing wrong with your self-portrait, I think it goes well with this series because you were even able to capture a large DOF behind you. The only thing I would do is perhaps crop a little of the left side that your body is the complete center of the frame. I think you nailed each tactic extremely well, great job! :)

  3. Your images are so stunning. The colors are great and I love how colorful these photos are! Technically you fulfilled all of the assignment goals! I can clearly see which are the large DOF and which the shallow. I like the use of the different DOFs! I can see you spent a lot of time deciding which photos for which dofs to use, based on your screenshot and great choices!
    In regards to your craftsmanship, all of the compositions are great. I think you used the dofs wonderfully to illustrate the intensity of the farmland in the landscape photo. In addition using a shallow dof on the flower was a great choice just to show how it differs from the grass. The middle photo is great too and I love the red against the greens; however it might have been fun to play around with the dof just to see what the photo would have looked like with only the signs in focus. The "I can't" on the stop sign is great too, it made me laugh a lot! I like your self portrait and I really appreciate how in nature you are, you seem very at home and happy to be outside!
    Overall great job, your content creates a strong visual statement about where you come from! Great job!

  4. Hi Christine,

    I think you did a good job in completing this assignment. The first picture is a great example of large dof. I really like how it captures such a large expanse of land with a great focus; how the grass and dirt meet diagonally in the photo is appealing as well. The third picture is an excellent example of shallow dof as well. It is such a detailed photo of the pink flower, and the focus on it is perfect, only allowing attention to be placed on it. You portrait is not only good as a portrait, but I feel it could be used as a good example of a large dof too. It captures a large expanse of land in a clear focus, which is the requirements of large dof.
    I have to agree with previous comments that the second picture is not as strong as a large dof as the first one. It is still a good picture that captures the scene in great detail, but it doesn't seem to cover enough of the land.
    Overall, however, you did a great job. This set of photos is beautiful and fulfilled this weeks assignment. I look forward to seeing all the other photos you will be taking the rest of this semester.
