Thursday, June 19, 2014

D O O R W A Y S   &   P O R T A L S


  1. Hey Alex, I really enjoyed your pictures this week. I think this may have been your most interesting post for me. For me it's like you are not only telling a story but are personifying doors/doorways in general. These pictures are really symbolic for me in a narrative way about time and travel. They raise a lot of questions because of the way you focus on the material. Each image is so alive with color, lines, patters, and shape. I really like the diversity of the doors and that's what I think gives the doors such personality because they are rarely showcased together. The story behind these is one that leaves the viewer questioning what these doors have experienced from their human users. Overall good job completing the assignment.

  2. Hey Alex, awesome images, and great framing! I love how in each one, the framing is different, and there is a way that you envisioned each to be, so that the viewer best sees the detail and structure of the subject in the way it was meant to be viewed. The colors are also really nice in accentuating certain parts over others, which make for really nice compositions. The balance of centered images to skewed images work really well. Nice job!

  3. Hey ales, way to make a simple thing so beautiful, all the mages are so simple but framed so well to make them so interesting! I love the door handle and brink wall the most they are the most details and cool looking. overall they all show this story of this place you were and it goes together so well, all are very interesting! Great job!

  4. Hey Alex! I love the subject matter you chose to shoot. Doorways and doorknobs can be really interesting objects when you stop to look at them. In Philadelphia especially since many of those doorways and doorknobs have antiquity to them that we often don't notice or even know about. Each photo is completely different, yet again they all have that commonality of a doorway which makes them work extremely well together as a series. I like that you were able to find and capture completely different doorways to give the viewer a plethora of doorways to see. The first and third photos are my favorite. I like the first photo because it's framed really well and I like all the shapes that I can see that this doorway creates in the photo. The third photo is another favorite because I think it's an interesting crop and subject to shoot. It's probably something I would walk past and never notice, but the way you chose to shoot it makes it much more appealing. I also enjoy the blue against the brick. Overall, your photos all exhibit a nice composition. Awesome job!

  5. Hi Alex! I really enjoyed the concept you chose for this assignment. They are such everyday objects and there real unique beauty often goes unnoticed. I agree with Courtney that although each image is different they all tie together very nicely. My favorite is the last picture with the doorframe against the brick. It made me think of Harry Potter! Overall, great work!

  6. Hey Alex.
    I am very fascinated with the subject of your choice. Doorways and portals are a very universal subject that covers history and even religion or the occult. I think most interesting the door already filled in with bricks. This give the viewer a sense of time and scale. Since that door was filled in is there secrets in it?
    I think over all this was very successful and even a bit mind altering.
